1.New York Stock Exchange Known as the "Mecca of international trade," the home of the New York Stock Exchange is the world's largest stock exchange, with origins dating back to 1792. Because of its size, the New York Stock Exchange has always been the subject of terrorist threats, and unlike the NASDAQ, it offers both electronic and manual stock trading.
2. London Stock Exchange The London Stock Exchange was founded in 1801 and is one of the oldest stock exchanges in the world. In 2011, it merged with the Toronto Stock Exchange Group to become the largest stock exchange in the United Kingdom. The London Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in Europe in terms of market capitalization.
3. Tokyo Stock Exchange The Tokyo Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in Asia and the third largest in the world, claiming to have a market capitalization of $3,478 billion. It was founded in 1878 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with 2,292 companies listed here by 2012. 2005 saw the introduction of a new trading process, but the Tokyo Stock Exchange had to close trading for 4.5 hours due to a vulnerability in a system developed by Fujitsu. 2012 saw a merger with the Osaka Stock Exchange in mid-2012.