1.China Rice is a major food crop in China, accounting for about 30% of the total area under cultivation and 40% of the total grain production. Rice is grown all over China, except in Qinghai Province. And China is also a pioneer and leader in hybrid rice production, with hybrid rice yielding at least 15-20% more than traditional rice.
2. India India's arable land area is the first in the world, half of the country's land is arable land, if the level of agricultural technology is higher, the production is expected to exceed that of China. It is understood that India is one of the centers of rice cultivation, covering 44 million hectares, and rice accounts for 40% of India's total food production.
3. Indonesia Indonesia has the highest per capita rice consumption in the world at over 139 kg per year. Indonesia has many small alluvial plains with rivers and straddles both sides of the equator, making it suitable for rice cultivation due to the good water and heat conditions, and the residents also use rice as a staple food, so the proportion of rice cultivation is relatively high.
4. Bangladesh Bangladesh is also a large population country with a population of about 165 million people and a very high population density. Compared with other major rice countries, Bangladesh has relatively high per capita rice consumption, and two-thirds of their population is engaged in rice-related production and economic activities.
5. Vietnam Vietnam is a rice-based agricultural economy. Most of the country is a plain, located in the tropics, with sufficient precipitation for growing rice. Vietnam uses 75% of its arable land for rice cultivation, which makes Vietnam the world's second largest rice exporting country.
6. Thailand Thai rice is very famous for its sweet aroma and benefits. Thailand is a large area among Southeast Asian countries, with flat land and special soil climate, which can grow high quality rice and very high yield.
7. Myanmar As Myanmar's top crop and primary food crop, rice accounts for about 60% of the crop area, and the total annual rice production is about 32 million tons, with an average yield of about 250 kilograms per acre, so Myanmar is also known as the "Land of Rice".
8. Philippines The Philippines has more paddy land for cultivation, and nearly 90% of the country is fed on rice, and has always attached great importance to rice cultivation. Production accounts for about 2.4% of the world's total production.
9. Japan Rice cultivation in Japan was introduced from China in 300 B.C. From ancient times to the present, rice cultivation has had a considerable impact on the social structure and culture of Japan. Japan does not have much arable land, but it is technologically advanced and highly mechanized, with small, medium-sized and intensive rice cultivation.
10. Pakistan With a production of 0.08 billion tons, it accounts for 1.7% of the world's total production. Pakistan borders India geographically and occupies most of the Indus Plain. Rice is the second largest crop in Pakistan after wheat, and the yield is higher since the introduction of Chinese hybrid rice technology.